Changing a System Variable Setting

The variables appear in the grid on the left side of the "Application Variables" window. To make a change to one of the variable settings you may either:

  1. Scroll through the grid to search for the variable, clicking in the row to select it once found.
  2. Type all or part of that variable in the Look For field and press Enter or Tab. The row containing the closest match to the search criteria entered will be highlighted. If this is not the variable you are looking for, scroll through the grid. Click in the row containing the variable to select it.
  3. Click in the Filter field and select the type of variable you are looking for.  Only variables pertaining to the type selected will appear in the grid.  Scroll through the list and click in the row containing the variable you are wanting to change once found.

Once selected, the information pertaining to the variable will appear in the applicable fields. Make the needed change to 'Value' and click the Save button to save the changes.